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 About Ragdolls

The Ragdoll is known for its exceptionally friendly, laidback, sweet temperament, and beauty so they are perfect for families and individuals. They are very affectionate, and gentle and often will follow you around the house like a dog does. They are curious and playful. They are so beautiful they are like living works of art.

The Ragdolls coat is medium/long with a soft texture and is easy to maintain with little to no matting because they do not have an undercoat.

The Ragdoll is one of the largest domesticated cat breeds A fully-grown female weighs from 8 pounds to 15 pounds. Males are substantially larger, ranging from 12 pounds  to 20 pounds  or more.

Ragdolls come in six different colors - seal, chocolate, flame, and the corresponding "dilutes" such as blue, lilac, and cream. This also includes the tortoiseshell pattern in all colors and the three patterns.

All Ragdoll kittens are born white. They have good color at 8 – 10 weeks and full color and coat at 3 – 4 years.

There are three different patterns:

Pointed - One color darkening at the extremities (nose, ears, tail, and paws)
Mitted - Same as pointed, but with white paws and abdomen. With or without a blaze (a white line or spot on the face), but must have a "belly stripe" (the white stripe that runs from the chin to the genitals) and a white chin.
Bicolor - White legs, white inverted 'V' on the face, white abdomen.

Lynx - tabby points with distinct 'M' shaped pencil lines on its face and its eyes outlined with white liner.

Tortie- Calico in color. The coat of the Tortie cat combines two colors other than white, either closely mixed or appearing in larger patches. Tortie Ragdoll cats are always female.

Mink & Sepia

The term Mink refers to the coat which is much smoother than the fur of a traditional Ragdoll Cat. The feel of the fur can be compared to that of a mink fur stole and is darker in color.


A Sepia Ragdoll Cat is similar to the Mink, but its color is double the darkness than that of the Mink Ragdoll.

We breed Colorpoints, Mitted, Mink, Sepia, Lynx & Torti, in Blue, Seal, Cream & Flame

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